Friday, November 20, 2009


Okay - Big News.

Well, its only big news if you know me.

I am going to start running. One week ago I started running and have now run for 3 or 4 days or so. Each time I have actually been able to run a little farther than the last time.

Some background:

I've faked having asthma for my whole life so I never had to run while in school.
My junior high made us run the mile every Friday - I never ran it, once.

Up until this month I've smoked a couple cigars (or cigarettes) a month.

I've never eaten well, or even cared what I put into my body.

I hate running.

I've told people that running is too hard on their knees and running is dangerous.

Not only have I never liked running but I have advised many others why they shouldn't run either. Its a silent killer.

Back to the point:

I'm going to start running. As for why and stuff like that we'll work out those details as this blog continues. Tomorrow low tide is around 10am so thats when I'm trying to head out.

I have no idea how far I'm running every time. I'll try to figure out how to measure that without spending much money soon.

Well - heres my new running blog.


  1. thats not me in the picture above... just so you know.

  2. I always told you you didn't have asthma! YOU CRAZY GUY...Love you, Dad

  3. Dustin, you have to tell more about why you're doing this.

    As a fellow super awesome person who hates (is "despises" a stronger word, because if it is, please substitue) running, I am very interested in figuring out what is going on inside your head.

    My last 15 years in a nutshell: I used to be pretty healthy, then I was extraordinarily unhealthy, then I did an about-face and got rediculously healthy, and now I am no longer healthy anymore & I'm looking to fortify my motivation for getting healthy again so I can actually get off my butt and do it.

    Also, the absence of information births intrigue, so I just want to know.

  4. the reasons are many. i'm slowly figuring out more as the time goes on. The main reason is my little potbelly i seem to have gained since college. another reason is i always told myself i couldn't. another reason is in case i ever get in a long distance foot pursuit, I want to have the upper hand. the list goes on and on. as my running adventures unfold more reasons will pop out from somewhere hopefully. thanks for reading :)
