Thursday, December 3, 2009

On Running

We are back in Mexico. Running on the beach sure beats running down a street in Glendale. Today I ran another one mile, which was alright. I'm still waiting for it to get at least a little bit easier. Every time I finish I feel like I'm about to die.

Running on the beach is funny because the ground can change. One step the dirt is packed, hard, and damp while the next step its soft and your foot is soaked. This makes it very important to look down while you run. The problem with only looking down is that I usually follow the sand that is easy to run on. When I do that without looking up I end up far away from where I actually wanted to be. SO.. The conclusion is that its important to stay focused on the step by step process (day to day things) without losing sight of the end goal (the big picture).

While I was home someone asked me why I started running. My answer was vague and cliche on purpose but the one line in my answer that actually made sense was, "...because I think I can learn a lot from running." The paragraph above is one example of what I think I can learn from running.

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