Sunday, March 7, 2010


I ran another 2 miles today. I guess I'm still pretty impressed with myself. Running two miles was (as of December) impossible. I'm still looking forward to doing more but I don't won't to miss an opportunity to pat myself on the back... if you know what I mean.

I started reading about this today, and more specifically this.

To say the least, I'm interested. I'm going to start adding this into my routine (I don't necessarily have a routine but it makes me sound better than I am) at least 2 times a week.

That said, I didn't start running solely to burn fat, though I appreciate the pound losing here and there. I will still try to improve my distance running. I talked to a guy at Runners Den the other day (very knowledgeable sales staff) and he said I should never run so fast that I can't be talking while running. I don't know if I buy it yet but it sounds ludicrous considering sometimes when I walk I can't talk out loud.

Anyway, hope all is well with you wherever you are.

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