Sunday, March 28, 2010

Getting there

Well, I've been running. No big surprise by now right? I'm still at it. I've seen some results and its been motivating so I've done more of it.

For the last 4 days I've been sick. Not the kind of sick that I normally am where I can still get up and go about my day. This time its the kind of sick where every time I do anything besides lay there by head feels like a hammer is hitting it repeatedly. Now, keep in mind I get sick about once ever 4-5 years, so I guess I have it coming, but still... its annoying.

Because of that I haven't run for a few days. The weird part is that I miss running. Normally when I'm sick I miss being outside or eating what I want to eat but this time I actually miss running. Kind of weird eh?

Heres to getting better soon.


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